Monday, May 20, 2013

An old friend of mine asked me how I became the person I am today, because she clearly remembered quite the opposite: A stressed out, depressive, chain smoker, 20 kg heavier, looking older and more tired 7 years ago.
A transformation happened. I was going through a very though divorce, I found myself utterly alone with three small kids in a foreign country. I had to solve an economic impossibility and deal with the stress & despair my life condition gave me.
A therapist helped me to deal with the stress and the depression I had. It became clear just how important food and training was for me to overcome my anxiety. A plant based diet combined with healthy fats and protein in combination with a training program worked better than I could ever had imagined. Not only did I get over my stress and depression, I gained so much energy and happiness, bonus I lost 20 kg and I literally look 10 years younger today. Through this whole process I found my passion: My passion for food and peak performance.
The more I learn about food and what it does to our body as well as our minds and wellbeing, the more I have understood how important it is that we eat clean whole foods. Just how important it is that these foods are not treated with pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones, antibiotics, preservatives and GMO. That the foods we choose are organically grown, whole foods, nothing readymade. It is making it yourself and if you have no time, then: have an apple or a carrot.
I had this picture taken of me because I really want to share this, I am 42 I have had 3 kids and 4 years ago I was 20 kg heavier.

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